

It is essential that children have the books and writing implements they need to do their studies.


Our stationery products are available from most stationers, however TakeNote New Header_edited-1we have a “Business Partnership” with Malcolm’s Take Note in Mairangi Bay where you can purchase your child’s stationery pack at a very competitive price. Malcolm’s are committed to providing our school community with an easy and efficient service for parents and will accommodate all your stationery needs for you.


There are some items that can only be purchased from the school office which is open daily between 8am and 4pm.


Stationery Lists can be downloaded below by clicking on the appropriate year level for your child. Stationery packs will not be available until after christmas.


Stationery Lists Term3 2015


Year 1 – Non Digital

Year 2 – Non Digital

Year 2 – Digital

Year 3 – Non Digital

Year 3 – Digital

Year 4 – Non Digital

Year 4 – Digital

Year 5 – Non Digital

Year 5 – Digital

Year 6 – Non Digital

Year 6 – Digital

Malcolms Map